Celtics against the Roman Empire
Celtics against the Roman Empire. In this tv series we see, for example, the Celtic Druid Gods fighting the corrupt, violent, immoral, Roman Empire. Above all, original, independent, alternative series. Therefore in addition great stories, powerful acting there is amazing makeup, costumes, props, locations, cinematography and sound,
CELTICS, Season 2, 720p, 7Mbs
CELTICS, Season 2, 720p, 10Mbs
CELTICS, Season 2, 480p, 2Mbs
CELTICS, Season 2, HD 1080p
Odysee https://odysee.com/@CelticFilms:9/ODYSEE-video-Celtics-Season-2_1080p_10Mbs:f
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/dhvMfTuukwQR/
Rumble https://rumble.com/v4eur5i-celtics-season-2-the-lost-book-etain-taranis-morrigan-cuchulainn.html
Celtics against the Roman Empire. 1080p HD Full Streaming here: Celtics complete Season 2, Morrigan & Cuchulainn “The Lost Book”
1080p HD Full Streaming here: Celtics, Season 2, Morrigan & Cuchulainn “The Lost Book”, Version 39 full frame. Celtics against the Roman Empire.
Cath Maige Tuired, Morrigan’s three sacred poems. Cath Maige Tuired by Elizabeth Gray, published by the Irish Texts Society in 1982. References to sections and line numbers are to this edition. [1]
1 Poem : Section 137, Lines 683 – 693
2 Poem : Section 166, Lines 819 – 827
3 Poem : Section 167, lines 831 – 840
“The poems are in a form called rosc or roscaid. This is a very archaic, non-metrical, non-rhyming form of poetry which may date back further than our written record of the Irish language. Also Its most consistent feature is connective alliteration, where the word or words at the end of one line alliterate with the word or words at the beginning of the next line.
Most importantly, this forms a kind of conceptual chain, where the image of one line is shifted to produce the image of the following line. Rosc can be notoriously difficult to translate, as there is a scarcity of verbs, a lax attitude to syntax and many archaic and obscure words preserved in the poetic form.”[2] – Isolde ÓBrolcháin Carmody
[1] Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired.
Translated by Dr. Elizabeth A. Gray, Harvard University,
proof corrections by Benjamin Hazard.
(Irish Texts Society 1982). With English translation.
[2] The Mórrígan Speaks – Her Three Poems,
Isolde ÓBrolcháin Carmody
HD Full Streaming here, Celtics, Season 2, Etain & Taranis, “The Lost Book”, Version 1.
1080p HD Full Streaming here, Celtics, Season 2, Etain & Taranis, “The Lost Book”, Version 3.
For those interested in ancient (2300BC-900BC) Celtic law code, called Brehon Law, consequently more can be found here:
Irish Brehons and Their Laws
Herbert Francis Hore
Ulster Journal of Archaeology, First Series, Vol. 5 (1857), pp. 36-52 (17 pages)
For example there is also The Brehon Law Society.
“From earliest times. Brehon Law was distinguished by its egalitarianism and by its respect for fundamental rights and liberties.”
Brodgar, Orkney, Scotland, to clarify, the ancient Celtic Druid temple city excavation.

Above is Warm tone version also 1080p HD, likewise streaming, longer credit roll.
1080p HD Full Streaming here, Celtics, Season 1, Final, streaming right here on official site is an easy to play 1080p (2K, HD) streaming version, as such, this movie has eight sublayer data rates to chose from on your device:
This is the January 22, 2023 version. 46 mins, so it has a cool tone with fast credit roll.
720p Full Streaming here, Celtics, Season 1, Final, streaming right here on official site is an easy to play 720p streaming version, as such, this movie has six sublayer data rates to chose from on your device. Celtics against the Roman Empire.
There will be a couple versions and types of the final streaming cut, for instance, there will be ads inserted here on this streaming site for Irish and Scotch whiskey and Bailey’s Irish Cream among other such fare.
Most importantly, Goddess Brigid like you’ve never seen her before. Celtics against the Roman Empire.

Above all, Goddess Maeve like you’ve never seen her before.

Consequently goddeses have Awakened.

Most importantly, the gods have Awakened.

Above All, Myths have Awakened.

Legends have Awakened, thus.
Most importantly the power of fate.

Above all the power of light.

Film should be courageous and gutsy, telling the stories never told before, therefore it is Celtics against the Roman Empire, consequently Celtic Films is the first film series in history to focus on Celtic Brehon Law which is Europe’s oldest law code dating to 2300 BCE and which gave women civil rights. Celtics against the Roman Empire.

The Dark Empire hates strong women in movies, Consequently the Celtics TV Series brings strong women to the fore.

Celtics covers the Drama, Legends, History and Mythology of the Celtic people, for example, as they fought the unethical, immoral, greedy, corrupt, Roman Empire.
Consequently the Roman Empire fell due to greed, corruption and the lies and unethical behavior done to get money.
PRODUCTION UPDATE: April 9, 2023 – All Actors Final USB drives 32 GB each have, in the same vein, been shipped to 8 of the 10 actors. In addition, I will push for greater publicity and funding to get this developed into a major series.

UPDATE: March 14, 2023 – Actors Final USB drives 32 GB each have been shipped to 8 of the 10 actors.
In addition, I’m adding USB drives that have the New WARM Classical tone (of a big production) of All Takes consequently have synced sound they can cut as they see fit for their reels.
UPDATE: February 14, 2023 – Brigid and Maeve, recent WARM color grading, titling.
Brigid is the Celtic Druid Goddess of Inspiration, for instance has Fire and Light associated with her. However she has been long portrayed as placid to keep the population meek, mild, docile, and easily taxed and ruled. But, recently the power of Celtic Goddess Brigid has begun, in various modern theatrical productions, to be brought to life in her full Light and Power.
Story of Brigid the Goddess
The Celtics production finally flipped the Light switch fully on with our portrayal of Brigid the raging inspiration of Light, therefore, Fear not Light. Fear not Truth, for you are Born with The Light of Inspiration.

In conclusion, a warm, classical look of a major production.

Marketing and Publicity is 50% of any film production budget. Celtics against the Roman Empire.
Expect an extensive period of test marketing to watch the metrics, numbers, and public, for example, stats, posters, flyers, cards, commercials, interviews with cast.
UPDATE: February 5, 2023 – In conclusion, Brigid and Maeve, recent color grading, titling.
History from the Celtic point of view, to sum up, are you tired of the establishment court historians version of history?

UPDATE: February 4, 2023 – Celtics, Season 1, Trailer v.11, 2K HD Streaming here.
Production UPDATE: February 1, 2023 – Celtics, Season 1, Trailer 11, 4K UHD
UPDATE: January 7, 2023
We made the December 31, 2022 deadline for 2022 completion of the Episode 1 of the Series. Follow for updates as we enters Season 2 (2023).
ALL SCENES, 2022, Cut Version 1, QC19 fixes, 2K H265 5Mbs resolution.

QC19 4K, H265 35Mbs resolution. version below:

Production made it in before the end of 2022!!!! Yes !!!! In conclusion, we made the deadline for this season.
Thanks everyone!
Scene, 4, of Episode 1, with Macha & Fionn is NOW here. 2K vers.

The final scene, 4, of Episode 1, with Macha & Fionn is NOW here. 4K vers.

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15214858
We filmed five scenes in 2022. Celtics against the Roman Empire.
Celtics. All 5 Scenes filmed thus far, 45 mins. These are Season 1, Episode 1 “Darkest Winter”, and Episode 2 “Brightest Summer” Scene 1.

Belenus & Aeronwen, Episode 1, Scene 1

Lugh & Danu, Episode 1, Scene 2

Brigid & Maeve, Episode 1, Scene 3

Pwyll & Rhiannon, Episode 2, Scene 1

Meanwhile, for more information from the World’s leading Celtic scholar, Sir Barry Cunliffe.
You can also support this series by donating here:
As you can see in the End Credits of the full 30 minute episode, therefore every Contributor and Donor is credited. If you want an abbreviation or non-credit, let me know.
Extensive Detail Page for Celtic TV Series Here: https://www.celtic-films.com/celtics-tv-series-in-depth-page-extensive-details/