June 20, 20221 UPDATES

Creative Limited Budget Sets

Depending on budget level there will be different sets built.In Winter, Spring and Summer of 2022, the set has been made smaller. Consisting of several portable platforms in the forest.


For larger budgets there are several tiers of sets.

Budget E has been introduced. This is now the lowest level budget. It consists of much smaller set in a forest, likely a California forest. The Set Budget for this one is markedly smaller. A small wood platform, wood railing, and Celtic weathered set dressing, with magical LED lamps, trees, find from DC fans. Natural blue gloom lighting with some DC light fill. This set will be for only two actors at a time performing dialogue between them. Designed for a narrow field of view in the camera to reduce size of Forest Set. Lack of wide angle set will be made up for with in-depth set visual texture, many mainly background layers behind the close two-shots of the actors.

Budget A is the lowest budget in 10 acres of Idaho forest. Illustration below. With only a few scenes called “Rendezvous of the Gods”, where the Gods meet at the beginning of the series to debate and talk about how to handle the Roman Empire invasion. Two Gods at a time in each scene locked in intense debate and argument about methodology.


Depending on budget level there will be different sets built.

Budget A is the lowest budget in 10 acres of Idaho forest. Illustration below. With only a few scenes called “Rendezvous of the Gods”, where the Gods meet at the beginning of the series to debate and talk about how to handle the Roman Empire invasion. Two Gods at a time in each scene locked in intense debate and argument about methodology.

Set Construction will be based on archaeology, of the Celtic Druid cities of Scotland, Ireland, Wales. With simple two-platform treehouse constructions in Iron Age-type forests in Idaho, Oregon, or British Columbia to start with.

When stretch goals are reached then larger sets using Wood timber with fiberglass to simulate the stone massive Druid castles dating to 700 BC Iron Age.

History of Celtic Architecture

Celtics built large stone castles called “Brochs” in Scotland as well as the massive neolithic cathedrals at the Brodgar excavations of the Celtic Druid temple complex are dated to 3,200 BC in the Orkney Islands, Scotland.

As the series progresses from just one episode to 9 episodes a season, eventually there are eight Druid castle cities, towns, one for each God or Goddess.