In this Celtics series we see for the first  time the powerful spiritual practice of the Celtic Druids and clear dramatization of their religion.

The Celtic Druid Triskele is the Three-Part design carved into the Newgrange stones, radiocarbon dated to 3,200 BC. Three is a sacred number in Celtic culture. It represents asymmetry, movement and life.  “Maudlin (2007: 133) argues that the asymmetry between initial and final conditions is a manifestation of a more fundamental nomic asymmetry,” https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/causation-physics/

Each of the eight Druid Goddesses and Gods in this series is a powerful force, complete with their own Druid books of spiritual faith, of Book, Chapter and Verse.

Heretical it may seem to some. But we need to really experience what the Celtic Druids did. We know they had an oral language at 4700 BC in the Celtic Islands. We know they had a written language since 550 BC. We know they built massive cathedrals in Scotland (Brodgar  excavations) dating as far back as 3200 BC. We know classical historians stated the only religion known in the Celtic Islands was Druidism.

This is the first film series to bring the Celtic Druid religion back to life, with all its very likely, written word religious books that came from visions and epiphanies of the Druid Gods.

Raise that banner. Raise that banner on the Western shore. For we are united as one. The  Roman Empire had enslaved, and corrupted the people of the British Isles long enough, their Celtic brothers and sisters came and liberated…

Alternative, Inspired. An inspired alternative take on Celtic culture and history.  Each God and Goddess has their moral teaching books. The moral principles in the books of the Gods are key in the Celtic resistance against the Empire (Roman Empire).

Druidess Goddess Queen Maeve and her Book of Maeve, a book of morals

Alternative, Inspired. An inspired alternative take on Celtic culture and history.  Each God and Goddess has their moral teaching books. The moral principles in the books of the Gods are key in the Celtic resistance against the Empire (Roman Empire).

Druidess Goddess Brigid and her Book of Brigid, a book of morals.